
Biosynthetic Mesh Reconstruction after Abdominoperineal Resection for Low Rectal Cancer - Cross Relation of Surgical Healing and Oncological Outcomes - A Multicentric Observational Study

The large perineal defect, with impaired wound healing and delayed start of the adjuvant chemotherapy, can make the reconstructive phase of abdominoperineal resection for low rectal cancer extremely challenging. Using biosynthetic mesh for the neo-perineum reconstruction after a Miles’ procedure is a poorly investigated technique, which, in our series, resulted in safe, reproducible results affected by limited complications. Moreover, for improved perineal wound healing, it guaranteed a faster start of the adjuvant therapy with clear reduction in oncological outcomes (i.e., recurrences and death).


Tumori colon-rettali, alcuni pazienti a rischio con overdrive immune

Potrebbero essere in causa alcuni fattori correlati al paziente come il background genetico, e per quanto riguarda i tumori colorettali potrebbe svolgere un ruolo anche la flora batterica intestinale.


L'arcispedale Santo Spirito in Saxia

Come era organizzata l’assistenza ospedaliera nell’Ottocento? Faremo un viaggio nella vita sanitaria della città di Roma attraverso l’analisi del più antico e più importante nosocomio al mondo: l’Ospedale Santo Spirito in Saxia.


Management of Fecal Incontinence

This book presents state of the art knowledge regarding the pathophysiology and diagnosis of fecal incontinence and describes and illustrates all relevant treatment techniques.
